So a long time friend of mine has decided to motivate me to get some painting done. He came up with the following. There are 3 of us in the challenge so far but feel free to jump in and join us. No cost for sign up, but alas no fabulous prizes either (other than actually getting a completed army!)

PAINTING CHALLENGE2012Mission StatementThe goal of this challenge is to steadily paint miniatures towards the ultimate goal of actually finishing an entire army!!! So to go about this and help avoid the “I could paint…or I could sit my fat ass on the couch, snack on chips, drown my sorrows in soda and beer, and maybe watch some SOAP’s…” mindset. This will be accomplished by being held accountable to all other members of the challenge. Now, onto the rules:
Rules- You can paint any combination of miniatures from any game range.
- You are to paint a minimum of one (1) UNIT per month, or two (2) ½ UNITs.
A UNIT is defined by the following:- A UNIT is a group of a minimum of five (5) miniatures from the same force selection, or one (1) large model. (ie: 5 tactical marines = 1 UNIT. 1 Heavy Beast/Jack = 1 UNIT. 1 Land Raider = 1 UNIT. 1 Dreadnought = 1 Unit).
If the squad has large bases (ie: IG sentinels, IG heavy weapons teams) then there must be a minimum of three (3) models to be considered 1 UNIT.Anything that does not meet the requirements above is considered a ½ UNIT (ie: 1 Character model = ½ UNIT. 1 Light Beast/Jack = ½ UNIT. A 3(+/-1) model squad (small or medium bases) = ½ UNIT)
- You cannot split a squad of ten (10) models into two (2) groups of five (5) to count them as two (2) UNITS (ie: a Tactical squad (1 UNIT) cannot be broken into combat squads and counted as (2 UNITs).
- You cannot combine fragments of two or more (2+) separate squads to total up to the five (5) model minimum (3 tactical marines and 2 assault marines DOES NOT = 1 Unit).
- Models must be completely painted to be counted towards the painting goal for the month. "Completely painted" is explained next.
- Models must meet the following requirements to be considered complete:
- There must be a minimum of 3 colors used (primer does not count as 1!)
- There cannot be further steps to finish the model (ie: highlighting, eyes, etc.)
- The model must be fully assembled (no fully painted arms lying about!)
- Model must have a finished base (assuming it has a base).
- Completed model updates are due on the 1st of every month and will be up for viewing on the site by the 5th of every month.
- Pictures and a written description of what you have painted should be emailed to for posting so the other members of the challenge to view.
- Progress will be posted on for everyone to see the progress of all involved.
- You are allowed two (2) ½ UNIT extensions per year. This extension allows you to paint one (1) ½ UNIT over the span of 1 month, instead of painting two (2) ½ UNITs.
- If you paint two (2) UNITs in one month then you earn one (1) ½ UNIT extension.
- If you are using a ½ UNIT extension you must make it known to the rest of the members of the challenge by the middle of the month (usually the 15th).
Good Luck and have fun!!!