This is a story about a man and his quest to paint a bunch of miniatures.
Friday, November 26, 2010
The absence...

Friday, August 13, 2010

P.S: Thanks for getting me up to 16 followers, was nice logging in and seeing some new faces, and thanks to those of you for sticking around. I will hobble off to bed now.
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Delays aplenty

Friday, July 2, 2010
Been lazy...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Hydras! (pic heavy)

With this info in hand, I dug out my defense lines and went to town with saw and drill.

So with all the turrets completed, metal rung steps included, I am waiting on my order of Chimeras to arrive. Once here I can start the process of crafting a flat panel for these turrets to sit on. I will post more on that when the time comes.
UPDATE: Special thanks to a kind reader who pointed out the original thinker behind this conversion is none other than Admiral Drax. Please stop by his blog. This was 100% his ideas. All I did was make a couple slight changes to spice mine up. Thanks Admiral Drax!
UPDATE: Special thanks to a kind reader who pointed out the original thinker behind this conversion is none other than Admiral Drax. Please stop by his blog. This was 100% his ideas. All I did was make a couple slight changes to spice mine up. Thanks Admiral Drax!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Simple Green!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The Arvus!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So I am thinking of branching into some DKoK minis. I have been mulling it over for quite some time and I think I am going to slowly phase out my Cadians with DKoK forces. The figures are amazing and I like the idea of having a force that is not often seen at the LGS's in the area.

Thursday, May 27, 2010
Moving Time!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Replacement part received!

So when I got the new Thunderbolt I noticed that the engine part was missing. I shot an email over to the fine folks at FW to advise them of the issue. They replied that a replacement part would be cast and shipped. Five days later, low and behold, a package arrives with the part. As a long time customer service guru, (answering calls on everything from cars to mattresses and all points in between) I am impressed by the service level of FW. I will continue expanding my army with Forgeworld pieces, mostly because they are amazing figures and vehicles, secure in the knowledge that this company has my back on quality and responsibility. That's my two cents.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
'Ard Boyz 2010

So this year I will not be attending the 'Ard Boyz competition. Mainly because I simply do not have the miniatures or time this year. Not wanting to go out and be yet another Leafblower player hoping that lightning can strike twice; I have a 2,500 point army that will be built up over the course of this coming year in anticipation of next year's competition. Also, since TheNecro is canceled for 2010, there simply aren't any good, large tournaments in the southeast area with the exception of BoLS-Con. With that being said I am currently on plan to head up to Games Day 2010 in Baltimore but those plans may change to BoLS-Con depending on finances.
To all the players who are duking it out at 'Ard Boyz today, best of luck!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Saturday Night Fights!

So my buddy Brenton is in town from school and getting ready to head up to Boston for a summer intern position. So I figured it would be a good time to get the ladz together and go roll some dice. My buddy Luis (Lue Bangs on my followers list) lives here in town and loves the new Space Puppies, he has an Ork army and offered to lend it to Brenton. We stuck to games @ 1500 pts so we could all test some 40k goodness. I fought Luis' SW first and managed to eek out a victory 8 kp's to 6. Next I fought Brenton's ork list and barely managed a victory of 2 objectives to one. I feel safe in the knowledge that one more turn would have seen my IG receive a sound crumpin'. It is very clear to me that I lack some significant punch to the list. I am going to start building a Manticore or two out of extra Hellstrike missiles and some plasticard. More on that in a few days.
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